Root Canals

Root Canal Procedures

Now Offering Cosmetic Dentistry

In-Network With Most Insurance

State-Of-The-Art Equipment


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Expert Root Canal Services at Contemporary Dental Design

Contemporary Dental Design offers comprehensive root canal services designed for teeth that are badly decayed or infected. Our family-owned practice is equipped with state-of-the-art technology to ensure your root canal procedure is as comfortable and effective as possible.

With over 35 years of dental experience, our team provides personalized care, tailoring each treatment to meet the specific needs of our patients. We understand the importance of preserving your natural teeth and are committed to providing high-quality care that alleviates pain and restores dental health—experiencing tooth pain or sensitivity? Contact us today to explore how our root canal services can help.

The Root Canal Procedure: What to Expect

The root canal procedure at Contemporary Dental Design is focused on removing the infected or inflamed pulp from inside the tooth, then cleaning, disinfecting, and shaping the root canal space before filling and sealing it to prevent further infection. Our skilled dental team ensures that the procedure is performed with minimal discomfort, using local anesthesia to make the process virtually painless.

After the treatment, the tooth is restored with a crown or filling to protect and restore its full function. Our approach is thorough and patient-focused, ensuring you understand each step and feel comfortable throughout your treatment. Ready to relieve your dental pain? Call us today to schedule a root canal.

Benefits of a Root Canal

Choosing a root canal treatment offers several benefits, including preserving your natural tooth, which helps maintain your natural bite and minimizes the need for more complex dental work in the future. Root canals also alleviate the pain and discomfort associated with infected or decayed teeth, allowing you to return to normal activities without oral pain. Furthermore, root canal treatments have a high success rate and can last a lifetime with proper care.

At Contemporary Dental Design, our goal is to ensure that each patient receives the benefits of modern endodontic treatment, providing a solution that saves your tooth and enhances your oral health. Don't let tooth pain hold you back; discover the benefits of a root canal by contacting us today.


Personalized Care For All Root Canal Procedures

Call Contemporary Dental Design today.

(847) 818-3600

(847) 818-3600

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Contemporary Dental Design

Located in Arlington Heights, IL, Contemporary Dental Design specializes in teeth cleaning and teeth whitening. Personalized care at competitive rates. In-network with most insurance. State-of-the-art equipment. Call today.

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